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老甲(贾浩义) - 乾旋坤转 浑化之境——贾浩义访谈录

2022-03-11 17:39:09




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 1961年毕业于北京艺术学院美术系,后留校任教,母校解散后下放到朝阳区文明 馆担任文明 干事。1978年调入北京画院人职业画家,开始勾画大写意表现语汇的开掘。自1988年开始,在中国美术馆、江苏美术馆、何香凝美术馆、韩国、新加坡等国内国际美术馆举办个人画展,作品“呼伦贝尔的汉子”参加中国百年画展。出版个人画集多部和作品争鸣集《老甲——画坛内外如是说》。作品被收入中国古代 美术作品全集,中国当代美术,当代中国画集,等国家美术师重要史料典册中。 1997 年老甲再领风骚,在北京八达岭高速上成立占地3500平米的私立艺术馆: 老甲艺术馆。给北京的文明 艺术又添了1 道绿色的风景线!


 1961年北京艺术学院美术系毕业后,曾留校任工笔重彩助教。旋即下放到北京市朝阳区文明 馆,画过大量插图,曾参加中国革命博物馆党史美术作品创作,编缉 六集连环画《艳阳天》并两次入选全国美展 。  1964年在中国美术馆举行连环画观摩展。为《5 亩麦子》、《集古林恩仇记》等画插图 。

1970年被中国革命博物馆约请 创作党史画。

1973年连环画《艳阳天》第二集入全国中国画·连环画展览 。

1975年连环画《艳阳天》第四集入选毛主席《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表30周年全国优秀美术作品展 。

1979年《梅妃》等作品参加在香港举办的《北京青年画展》 。

1982年《高原行旅》、《钟馗》等四幅画在加拿大温哥华展出。创作巨幅作品《血迹》、《回来!》参加中日联展 。

1983年作品《八月》参加八十年代展览并被北京市美协收藏 。

1984年《草原儿女》、《荷花》入选《中青年人物画家作品选》,《中青年花鸟画家作品选》 。

1985年十5 幅作品随《三山5 岳·今古风情》展览在中国美术馆、香港、新加坡展出,并由集古斋出版合集。在联邦德国举办三人联展。《中国画》杂志发表《贾浩义草原风情作品选》 。

1986年《巴特尔》参加中日联展,《春韵》等四幅在新加坡展出,《套马》、《鸡》在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特展出。六月,访问新加坡,《联合早晚报》等报刊发表专访 。

1987年《空谷》分别在香港和中国美术馆展出。被评为1 级美术师 。

1988年《人之初》等5 幅参加国际艺苑第二届水墨画展。《牛》等四幅在瑞士展出。十月在中国美术馆举办个展,出版《贾浩义画集》。巨幅国画《雄聚草原》、《青海湖畔》、《燕山妇女》被中国美术馆收藏 。  1989年在《美术》杂志撰文《路上絮语》并发表作品《巴特尔》、《呼唤》、《草原1 家》。《人 之初》入选法国蒙特卡罗古代 艺术大展。《巴特尔》参加法国嘟欧拍卖行拍卖。十幅作品在美国哈佛大学展出 。  1990年《美术》、《中国艺术》、《文艺报》、《桥》等报刊发表作品 。

1991年《群马图》等四幅在香港展出。《待帆》等5 幅在日本展出。八月在烟台举办个展。出版 《老甲画集》 。

1992年十月《老甲画展》在北京画院和北京日坛公园举行。展出80年代以来的作品100余幅。《中国画》编辑部召开读者研讨 会,近百人出席列席。《中国画》副刊第1 期发表以《重锤敲大鼓》为题的老甲作品研讨会记要,并刊载老甲随笔《随想1 、二、三》和 作品19幅。  作品入选台湾随缘艺术基金会和艺术潮流(香港)出版社出版的《中国大陆中青代美术家百人传。国画篇》

1993年11月,随荣宝斋主办的当代中国画展赴美展出作品并考察参观大都会等美术馆。  作品争鸣集《老甲——画坛内外如是说》由花山文艺出版社,著名报人徐铸成先生作序。

1994年《牛影》等七幅作品参加“张力的实验——‘94表现性水墨展“  7月4日,赴韩国举办个展并出版大型藏画集。

1995年12月新加坡天都画廊在河畔艺术中心举办贾浩义新加坡“草低风“ 画展,并出版《老甲草地风画集》。


1997年6月由韩国亚洲美术馆约请 赴欧洲艺术考察。

10月16日老甲艺术馆正式开馆 ,同时“老甲新作展“在老甲艺术馆展厅开幕。


10月7日-11日参加张力表现主义联展;10月9日-11日于深圳举办草地风情画展 。

1999年1月21日参加中国美术馆展出的跨世纪中国名家21人画展,收入巨型画册  《大风歌》参加国家文明 部主办的”共庆澳门回归祖国--中国艺术大展”.“浑然天地系列”等4 幅作品参加由中国美协主办的、在中国美术馆举行的”跨世纪中国画名家 21人展”,《美术》杂志发表李在兴撰写的《认识老甲》  《美术观察》》发表李在兴撰写的《我看老甲》和老甲艺术随笔《我画山水画》并作品11幅。《香港书画报·水墨屯》创作号刊发老甲作品及艺术随笔《老甲随想》  人民美术出版社主办的《中国艺术》发表陈传席的文章《大气和乾道--论老甲的画》 并老甲作 品13幅。  5月 25日至9月 30日“老甲作品第二回陈列展”在老甲艺术馆展厅举办.10月1日至

2000 年 4月30日”老甲’86新疆速写陈列展”在老甲艺术馆展厅举办,共展出作品53幅

2000年 9月 20日随韩国亚洲美术馆组织的考察团考察俄罗斯20世纪绘画艺术。  巨幅作品《呼伦贝尔的汉子》捐赠中国历史博物馆。  华盛出版社出版《老甲绘画艺术》光盘。  入选中国美术出版总社出版的大型画册和光盘《当代中国美术》  《荣宝斋》第4期刊发老甲作品17幅及随笔《我的自白》  2001年 9月30日作品《呼伦贝尔的汉子》入选在中国美术馆举办的“中国百年中国画展”。 作品参加“全国画院首届双年展”。

2002年 由天津人民美术出版社出版大型画册《老甲大写意画集》

English Introduction

In 1961, after graduating from the Department of fine arts of Beijing Academy of Arts, he stayed in the school as a teaching assistant of meticulous heavy color. Immediately, he was transferred to Chaoyang District Cultural Museum of Beijing, where he drew a large number of illustrations and participated in the creation of art works of party history of China Revolution Museum. He wrote six episodes of comic book "sunny day" and was selected into the national art exhibition twice. In 1964, a comic book exhibition was held in China Art Museum. For "five Mu wheat", "Ji Gulin enqiu Ji" and other illustrations.


In 1970, he was invited by the Chinese Revolution Museum to create party historical paintings.


In 1973, the second episode of the comic book "sunny day" was exhibited in the national Chinese painting comic book exhibition.


In 1975, the fourth episode of the comic book "sunny day" was selected into the national excellent art exhibition on the 30th anniversary of Chairman Mao's speech at Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.


In 1979, Meifei and other works participated in the Beijing Youth painting exhibition held in Hong Kong.


In 1982, four paintings, i.e. "journey to the plateau" and "Zhong Kui", were exhibited in Vancouver, Canada. Create huge works blood and come back! 》China Japan joint exhibition.


In 1983, his work August was exhibited in 1980s and collected by Beijing Art Association.


In 1984, "grassland children" and "Lotus" were selected into the works of young and middle-aged figure painters and the works of young and middle-aged flower and bird painters.


In 1985, 15 works were exhibited in China Art Museum, Hong Kong and Singapore together with "three mountains and five mountains, modern and ancient customs", and were published by jiguzhai. A joint exhibition of three people was held in Federal Germany. "Chinese painting" magazine published "jiahaoyi grassland style works selection".


In 1986, "bater" participated in the Sino Japanese joint exhibition, four pieces of "spring rhyme" were exhibited in Singapore, and "horse set" and "chicken" were exhibited in Bucharest, Romania. In June, he visited Singapore and published an exclusive interview in Lianhe morning and evening news and other newspapers.


In 1987, hollow was exhibited in Hong Kong and China Art Museum. Was rated as a first-class artist.


In 1988, "the beginning of man" and other five paintings participated in the second international art garden ink painting exhibition. "Cattle" and other four paintings are on display in Switzerland. In October, he held a solo exhibition in China Art Museum and published Jia Haoyi's collection of paintings. Giant traditional Chinese paintings "Xiongju Grassland", "Qinghai Lake", "Yanshan women" are collected by China Art Museum. In 1989, he wrote in the Journal of fine arts "road talk" and published his works "bater", "call", "prairie family". "The beginning of man" was selected into the modern art exhibition of Monte Carlo, France. "Batel" was auctioned by douo auction house in France. Ten works are on display at Harvard University. In 1990, art, Chinese art, literary newspaper, bridge and other newspapers published their works.


In 1991, there were four pictures of "the horses" exhibited in Hong Kong. "Waiting for sail" and other five paintings are on display in Japan. In August, a solo exhibition will be held in Yantai. Published the collection of laojia paintings.


In October 1992, laojia painting exhibition was held in Beijing Academy of painting and Beijing Ritan Park. More than 100 works since the 1980s have been exhibited. The editorial department of Chinese painting held a reader's research conference, attended by nearly 100 people. In the first issue of the supplement of Chinese painting, the Symposium of Lao Jia's works titled "hammer beating the drum" was published, and Lao Jia's essays "random thoughts one, two, three" and 19 works were published. His works have been selected into the biography of Chinese young artists published by Taiwan Suiyuan art foundation and art trend (Hong Kong) press. Chinese painting chapter


In November 1993, with the contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition hosted by Rong Baozhai, he went to the United States to exhibit his works and visited metropolitan and other art galleries. "Lao Jia - what is said inside and outside the painting world" is the preface of his works, written by Xu Zhucheng, a famous newspaper of Huashan literature and Art Publishing House.


In 1994, Niu Ying and other seven works participated in the "tension experiment -" 94 expressive Ink Exhibition ". On July 4, they went to South Korea to hold a solo exhibition and publish a large collection of Tibetan paintings.


In December 1995, Singapore Tiandu Gallery held the exhibition of "grass low wind" in Singapore by Jia Haoyi in Riverside Art Center, and published the collection of Lao Jia grass wind paintings.


In 1996, his works were included in the complete works of Chinese art. Complete works of Chinese painting


In June 1997, he was invited by South Korea Asian Art Museum to visit Europe.


On October 16, Lao Jia Art Museum officially opened, and the exhibition of "Lao Jia new works" opened in the exhibition hall of Lao Jia Art Museum.


From September 21 to 30, 1998, the exhibition of "going home - laojia boutique" was held in Jintai exhibition hall, Chaoyang;


On October 7-11, he participated in the tension expressionism joint exhibition; on October 9-11, he held the grassland style exhibition in Shenzhen.


On January 21, 1999, he participated in the 21st century Chinese famous artists exhibition held in the China Art Museum, and received the huge album "song of gale" to participate in the "celebration of Macao's return to the motherland -- China Art Exhibition" sponsored by the Ministry of culture. Four pieces of works, such as "Hunran Tiandi series", participated in the 21st century Chinese famous artists exhibition "sponsored by the China Art Association and held in the China Art Museum, and" art " The magazine publishes "know Lao Jia", "art observation" written by Li Zaixing, and "I see Lao Jia" written by Li Zaixing, and Lao Jia's art essay "I paint landscapes" and 11 works. The creation number of Hong Kong painting and calligraphy daily Shuimo Tun publishes Lao Jia's works and artistic essay Lao Jia's thoughts, and the Chinese art sponsored by the people's Fine Arts Publishing House publishes Chen Chuanxi's article atmosphere and trunk road -- On Lao Jia's paintings and 13 Lao Jia's works. From May 25 to September 30, "the second exhibition of Lao Jia's works" was held in the exhibition hall of Lao Jia Art Museum



