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2022-04-28 13:36:43

  图为:两岸茶帮代表举旗、挑着茶担往三通桥走去。 叶秋云 摄

  中新网福州10月14日电 (叶秋云)“茶路平安、茶路平安……”10月14日在福建省福州市台江区上下杭,随着铜锣声响起,两岸茶帮代表举旗、挑着茶担通过三通桥,陆续走进位于万寿尚书庙后殿的天后宫。


  图为:两岸茶帮代表举旗、挑着茶担陆续从三通桥走过。 叶秋云摄


  图为:两岸茶帮代表举旗、挑茶担走过三通桥,走进位于万寿尚书庙后殿的天后宫。 叶秋云 摄



  图为三敬茶环节。 叶秋云 摄



  图为三献礼、三献舞环节。 叶秋云 摄


  图为百年洪家茶道表演。 叶秋云 摄


The picture shows representatives of tea gangs on both sides of the Strait holding flags and carrying tea bearers to the three links bridge. Fuzhou, October 14 (Ye Qiuyun) "tea road is safe, tea road is safe..." on October 14, in Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, with the sound of gongs, representatives of tea gangs on both sides of the Strait raised flags and carried tea bearers through the three-way bridge, and successively walked into the Queen's palace located in the back hall of Wanshou Shangshu temple. October 14 (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month) is the anniversary of Mazu's emergence. On the same day, in order to reproduce the scene of the hundred year prosperous tea industry in Fuzhou and Hangzhou, the "double Hangzhou tea gang · Silk Road competition fragrance" and the first cross-strait tea Gang tea fighting folk culture activity in Taijiang District were held here. The picture shows representatives of tea gangs on both sides of the Strait holding flags and carrying tea bearers passing through the three links bridge one after another. Ye Qiuyun photographed Lin Yixiong, a representative of the tea association in Zhushan Town, Nantou County, Taiwan. He said that the goddess of the sea Mazu protects peace and health, and believers are all over the world. The holding of the cross-strait ancestor worship and tea offering ceremony shows the folk cultural beliefs of the same origin on both sides of the Strait, the importance of compatriots on both sides of the Strait to Chinese traditional folk cultural activities, and their gratitude and respect for the elderly during the Double Ninth Festival. The picture shows the representatives of tea gangs on both sides of the Strait holding flags and carrying tea bearers, walking through the three-way bridge and entering the Queen's palace located in the back hall of Wanshou Shangshu temple. Photo by Ye Qiuyun it is understood that in 1842, Fuzhou gradually became a world tea port after five ports were opened to trade. Lin Xiangcai, a folk custom expert in Taijiang, recalled in his book Taijiang business and trade, that the peak of Fuzhou tea market was from the 1860s to the early 20th century. At that time, tea accounted for 80% of the total export value of Fuzhou port. Fujian's tea is mostly exported from Fuzhou, including black tea, green tea, green tea, white tea, brick tea, etc. Shi Liqin, director of the culture, culture, history and Study Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of Taijiang District, revealed that Fujian's tea has excellent quality and a wide variety, and is one of the important trade materials of the "maritime Silk Road". Since the five port trade, Fuzhou's tea has been sold at home and abroad, especially the "Hongjia tea", which is the leader of Fuzhou cangxiazhou tea gang at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The picture shows the three tea making links. Shi Liqin, photographed by Ye Qiuyun, said that Fuzhou tea is sold overseas along the "maritime Silk Road". In order to pray for smooth Tea Road and booming tea industry business, the "Hong family" will organize local tea gangs to hold tea fighting ceremonies in each Tianhou palace in Fuzhou every year during the tea harvest season in spring and autumn, and offer the best tea to the sea god Mazu. It is reported that the history of Hongjia tea can be traced back to 1878. At that time, Hong Tianshang, who moved from Qingqi village, Lieyu Township, Jinmen to Taijiang, Fuzhou, started from the shipping industry and gradually started a tea business with the help of the prosperity of Fuzhou port; With the help of Fuzhou port, Hong fasui, the leader of the second generation Hong family, made the tea trade overseas. The picture shows three gifts and three dances. Photographed by Ye Qiuyun, the Centennial Hongjia tea black tea making technology is a municipal intangible cultural heritage project in Fuzhou. Hong Zhijin, the fourth generation inheritor of the art, said that the traditional ceremony of respecting Mazu of the tea Gang is divided into "three respects for tea", "three Dances", "three gifts" and "tea fighting ceremony". Ten tea gangs from both sides of the Strait competed on the spot to select the best tea to offer to Mazu. "This activity takes tea as the medium to promote cross-strait non-governmental exchanges of tea culture and enhance the friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Strait." The picture shows the Centennial Hongjia tea ceremony performance. It is reported that this event is hosted by the Taijiang District Bureau of culture, sports and tourism, undertaken by the Taijiang District Cultural Museum, and co organized by Fuzhou Wanshou Shangshu temple, Fuzhou Jinmen Union, Taiwan Nantou Zhushan Town Tea Association and Anxi Fuzhou tea Development Promotion Association. (end)