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梁树年 - 中国画就讲笔墨,这画是靠笔墨来表

2022-03-11 17:23:07




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擅国画,曾任地方 美术学院教授,是当代中国画坛的一名 名宿,也是著名的美术教育家、理论家、篆刻家和诗人。
其山水画初学王翚吴历,后上溯宋元,继而又学石涛,寻求 诗境;梁树年曾任北京第四女子中学美术教员二十余年。
自上世纪30年代起,梁树年开始从事美术教育工作,1962年起在北京艺术师范学院美术系任教。1964年起在地方 美术学院国画系担任教授。1974年被聘为留先生 导师。1979年任中国画系研讨 生导师。
暮年 游桂林、黄山、太湖、三峡、太行,多为公共场馆作大画,画名渐显;生前为地方 美术学院教授、北京中国山水画会副会长、中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员。
梁树年的山水画脱胎于传统,融北宗之雄强、南宗之秀润,构成 了浑朴苍健的画风。他尤擅画松,其笔下的苍松遒劲伟岸,世人有“树年松”之誉。
曾经为国务院办公厅、政协礼堂、人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂、地方 电视台、中国外交部及北京各大饭店作画,并被收藏。其部分作品被国家领导人定为重要国礼送给部分国外最高领导人。  作品有《夹谷松风》《莫谓攀登无去路》《松下观瀑》《黄山朝阳 》等;曾多次在海内外举办个人山水画展。
出版有北京人民美术出版社出版《中国近代古代 名家画集·梁树年》;由人民美术出版社出版《梁树年画集》;由天津人民美术出版社出版《梁树年山水画稿》;由荣宝斋出版《梁树年山水画谱》;由地方 美术学院编辑的美院教材《梁树年山水技法》。
2005年2月24日在北京去世,享年94岁;3月3日,地方 美院师生、梁树年生前亲友、先生 共300余人参加了在北京八宝山革命公墓举行的悲悼 会。[2]梁树年终身 从事教育工作,为中国美术事业培养了大批人才。在培养先生 的过程中他强调“临摹与读画”,通过学古达到开今的目的。  在指点 学院先生 的同时,他也收徒传艺,以传统的师傅带徒弟的方式,言传身授,因材施教。他留意 启发先生 的悟性,培养独立思考的能力;“登山不是1 条路,山谷灵秀多云雾,毕竟高临放眼宽,好山好水今有数 。”先生 们当他既是严师,又是慈父,他也把先生 们当作朋友,经常与他们赏画品诗,畅谈艺术成绩 。

Introduction to the artist

Mr Liang Shunian, was born at Beijing 1911 east outskirt 6 lis of collect, word beans village, atelier name installs Chu hall, peking Man.
Traditional Chinese painting of arrogate to oneself, the academy of fine arts is taught in the center of Ceng Ren, a renown constellation that is altar of contemporary China picture, also be home of famous art educationist, egghead, seal cutting and poet.
From a child is fond of brushwork, 1929 master from copy ancient with picture small north the Qi Jing with Zong Shan famous water on the west, haunt west hill is sketchy. Established fabaceous village to draw a company 1936, 1945 from magnify of Great Master of division traditional Chinese painting 1000, enter room child for fresh gale hall, laid solid traditional foundation.
After new China holds water, all over You Zuguo famous mountains and great rivers, give on traditional foundation the development of creativity.
Li of king of begin to learn of its landscape painting, Wu Li, hind trace Song Yuan, then learns Shi Tao again, seek poetic condition; Liang Shunian learns art teacher more than 20 years in the 4th woman of Ceng Ren Beijing.
Go up oneself 30 time have the century, liang Shunian begins to be engaged in art teaching the job, beijing is in since 1962 faculty of art of institute of artistic normal school teachs. Department of traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts of the centrally since 1964 holds the position of a professor. Was hired to be adviser of student studying abroad 1974. The traditional Chinese painting in holding the post of 1979 fastens graduate student adviser.
Old age You Guilin, Huang Shan, too lake, 3 gorge, too row, make big picture for public place more, draw a fadein; It is landscape painting of China of professor of central academy of fine arts, Beijing before one's death academician of calligrapher of academician of artist of meeting vice-chairman, China, China.
Landscape painting be born out of of Liang Shunian at the tradition, zong Zhixiong of north of be in harmony strong, Na Zongzhi beautiful embellish, formed the picture wind of muddy Piao Cangjian. He blame arrogate to oneself draws a pine, the bank of pine powerful Wei of its the wording and purpose of what one writes, common people has " cultivate year of pine " praise.
Once was Ministry of Foreign Affairs of memorial hall of hall of congress of auditorium of general office of the State Council, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, people, Chairman Mao, CCTV, China and Beijing each are big restaurant makes a picture, be collected. Its part work is decided to be important country ceremony to give partial abroad top leader by national leader. Work has " the Song Feng that place cereal " " Mo Weipan is ascended without outlet " " waterfall of the view below the pine " " Huang Shanxu day " etc; Ever was in for many times global hold individual landscape art exhibition.
Publish publishing house of Beijing people art is published " latter-day and contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction draws China collect · Liang Shunian " ; Publish by people art publishing house " Liang Shunian draws volume " ; Publish by publishing house of Tianjin people art " rough sketch of Liang Shunian landscape " ; Publish by Rong Baozhai " a book on the art of drawing or painting of Liang Shunian landscape " ; By central academy of fine arts teaching material of editorial beautiful courtyard " law of ability of Liang Shunian landscape " .
Died in Beijing on Feburary 24, 2005, die at the age of is 94 years old; On March 3, teachers and students of central beautiful courtyard, Liang Shunian before one's death relatives and friends, student in all the memorial meeting that 300 more than person attended to be held in cemetery of revolution of hill of Beijing eight treasures. [2] Liang Shunian is engaged in teaching the job all one's life, developed large quantities of person with abilities for Chinese painting career. In the process that develops a student he emphasizes " copy and read a picture " , arrive through learning Gu Da today purpose. In directive colleger while, he also receives Tu Chuanyi, with the means that traditional master trains an apprentice, body of explain in words is awarded, teach students in accordance of their aptitude. He notices to inspire the student's comprehension, the ability; that education ponders over independently " mountain-climbing is not a road, much cloud and mist of valley clever show, face scan widely high after all wide, good hill good water today countless. " students father when his since master, it is kind father, he also regards students as friend, often admire a picture to taste a poem with them, communicative and artistic problem.



