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李一 - 对话朱守道、李一:论中国书法传统的

2022-03-11 17:23:27




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艺术家李1 简介

李1 ,男,1957年生于山东曲阜,美术学博士,前后 毕业于济宁学院、曲阜师范大学和中国艺术研讨 院。中国艺术研讨 院研讨 员,博士生导师,《美术观察》主编。曾任中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所古代研讨 室主任、书法研讨 室主任。兼任中国美术家协会理论委员会副主任、秘书长,中国书法家协会理事、学术委员会委员,地方 文史馆书画院艺术委员会委员。
李1 多年从事美术研讨 ,出版有《后古代 主义与当代绘画》《中国古代美术批评史纲》《中西美术批评比较》《八大山人书法》《新中国书法六十年》(合著)等著作 ,发表论文多篇。任全国艺术科学规划严重 课题《中华艺术通史》元朝 卷主编,《中国美术百科全书》画学著作 编主编(合编),国家“十1 5 ”重点出版规划项目《共和国书法大系》总策划、总主编。论文《唐代书论的特色和成就》1997年获中国艺术研讨 院优秀科研成果奖,专著《中国古代美术批评史纲》2006年获文明 部艺术科学优秀科研成果奖,编著《共和国书法大系》2010年获第三届中华优秀出版物提名奖、中国书法兰亭奖。
多年坚持理论研讨 与实践创作相结合。先生 时代即曾在全国大先生 书法首届书法竞赛中获奖,多次参加全国书法展览。2005年,中国艺术研讨 院和中国书法家协会在北京中国美术馆主办“李1 书法展”,作品被中国美术馆和北京故宫博物院等收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Li Yi, male, was born at Shandong music to mound 1957, art learns a doctor, be graduated from academy of Normal University of aid peaceful institute, Qu Fu and Chinese art early or late. Researcher of Chinese artistic academy, doctoral student adviser, " art observes " chief editor. Ever held the post of director of lab of director of lab of ancient time of institute of art of Chinese artistic academy, calligraphy. Hold vice director of council of theory of Chinese artist association, secretary-general part-time, committee member of committee of director of Chinese calligrapher association, learning, committee member of committee of art of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of central Rearch Institute of Culture and History.
? ? ? ? Li Yi is engaged in art considering for years, publish have " hind modernistic with contemporary brushwork " " art of Chinese ancient time criticizes Shi Gang " " criticism of art of Chinese and Western is compared " " calligraphy of person of 8 big hill " " new China calligraphy 60 years " (write in collaboration with) wait for write, publish a paper many. Hold the post of countrywide art to plan scientificly to weigh big task " China art general history " yuan era coils chief editor, " Chinese art encyclopedia " the picture learns write to write chief editor (close make up) , country " 915 " the key publishs program project " republican calligraphy is greatly " total scheme, total chief editor. Paper " the characteristic that Tang Dynasty book talks and achievement " obtained Chinese artistic academy 1997 award of achievement of outstanding scientific research, monograph " art of Chinese ancient time criticizes Shi Gang " obtained culture ministry skill 2006 award of achievement of scientific and outstanding scientific research, compile " republican calligraphy is greatly " obtained calligraphy of award of nomination of excellent publication of the 3rd China, China 2010 Lan Ting award.
? ? ? ? Hold to academic research and union of practice creation photograph for years. Student times ever was in namely countrywide undergraduate calligraphy the bear the palm in first calligraphy contest, attend countrywide calligraphy to exhibit for many times. 2005, chinese artistic academy and Chinese calligrapher association are sponsorred in Beijing China art gallery " Li Yishu law is exhibited " , work be waited to collect by Chinese art gallery and museum of Beijing the Imperial Palace.



