凌春德(1926.1—),四川梁平人。擅长雕塑。1943年考入重庆国立艺专,1946年毕业后去敦煌艺术研讨 所任助理员,1948年任北平国立艺专教员,1952年调地方 美术学院任雕塑教员、雕塑创作室创作员,研讨 员。雕塑作品《前进》,至今被《解放军文艺》出版社用作社标;为北影厂设计电影片头“工农兵”。作品《列宁》大型浮雕、《白求恩胸像》、《青春》等分别安装在革命博物馆等处。作品多次参加全国美展。
Ling Chunde (1926.1, ) , sichuan bridge averages a person. Be good at sculpture. Took an examination of Chongqing to state-maintained 1943 art only, the member that Dunhuang artistic institute holds the post of assistant goes after graduating 1946, ren Beiping is national 1948 art only teacher, the academy of fine arts held the post of the member that sculpture instructor, sculpture creates room creative work in the center of tone 1952, researcher. Sculpture work " ongoing " , up to now by " the liberation army is literary " the press uses as company bid; Works of the picture that it is north designs film titles " workers " . Work " Lenin " large relief sculpture, " Bethune bust " , " green " divide into equal parts fastens installation to be in the place such as revolutionary museum. Work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times.