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2022-04-28 13:36:47





  11月23日晚,北京东城区一家“剧本杀”店内,几名青年人围坐在一起游戏。随着“剧本杀”游戏的兴起,这也成为青年人的一种社交方式。中青报·中青网记者 赵迪/摄










































Let young people "above" the script to kill, ushered in a regulatory moment. Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of culture and tourism issued the provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the administration of the filing of the contents of secret chamber scripts (Draft for comments), which was open to the public for comments as of December 8. This means that after the "barbaric growth", the script killing industry, including script content and venue operation, will take the lead in entering the filing management stage in Shanghai. Script killing is a reasoning game, which was first called "the mystery of murder". It is deeply loved by young people because of the substitution of roles, the strictness of logic and the excitement of plots. According to the recently released insight report on 2021 physical script killing consumption, it is expected that the domestic script killing market will exceed 15 billion yuan in 2021, and the number of consumers may reach 9.41 million. More than 70% of users will become young people under the age of 30, and more than 40% of users consume once a week or more. Script killing seems to be one of the most popular new social ways for young people. At the same time, many problems frequently exposed in the script killing industry chain have attracted more and more attention. On the evening of November 23, several young people sat around and played games in a "script kill" shop in Dongcheng District, Beijing. With the rise of "script kill" game, it has also become a social way for young people. Zhongqing daily · zhongqing.com reporter Zhao di / there are many screenplays to kill the exhibition, but it is still difficult to grab good screenplays. The night is shrouded. In front of the hotel where the Beijing Opera exhibition is located, cars with foreign port license plates come and go. Distribution teams and script store owners from all over the country are carrying large and small bags into the Exhibition Hotel. In the corridor of the hotel, colorful script leaflets are placed on the table, and the poster with a sense of design is erected in front of the door. Different rooms represent different scripts. Seven or eight young people squat on the ground or in bed without formal details, performing the content of the script with both voice and emotion... This is the first time that Wang Haolun, founder of Beijing Mumian immersive theater, came to the script killing exhibition. Different from ordinary players, their task is not to "play", but to "test", that is, to buy high-quality scripts and works through personal experience. "The screenplay killing exhibition brings together the upstream authors, midstream distributors and downstream stores of the whole screenplay circle, which is more like a gathering of the industry." Wang Haolun told Zhongqing daily zhongqing.com. In the eyes of many college students, opening a script killing shop seems to be a good deal. Wang Haolun played more than 100 script works in school. After working as a part-time DM (script killing host - reporter's note), he became a script killing shopkeeper. If you want the store to stand in the industry, you must have some treasure of the town store. Wang Haolun's trip is to grab a screenplay that is expected to become a "hot money". It is completely different from the "tall" exhibition in Wang Haolun's impression. Participants can add wechat of any publisher or author to the exhibition and "plate" the desired script by making friends. It is understood that according to different sales forms, script works can be divided into three main types: "exclusive book", "City limited book" and "boxed book". "Exclusive copy" is a script licensed to only one store, and "City limited copy" allows 3-6 script stores in a city to have permission. The purchase threshold of "boxed version" is zero, and mass distribution is the basic guarantee for most small and medium-sized script stores. "At the beginning, participating in the script killing exhibition is mainly the business exchange of practitioners, but with the development and change of the industry, it has gradually evolved into a sales exhibition focusing on selling scripts." Wang Haolun said that different from the general purchase channels, at the exhibition, stores can not only enjoy more favorable prices, but also get a more important benefit - to grab the "City limited edition" or "exclusive edition" of the first launch. Like many screenplay stores, Wang Lu, founder of Beijing Rumeng screenplay club, often organizes shop assistants to and from local exhibitions for the sake of "city limit" and "exclusive". "They test all kinds of scripts almost day and night, and buy them back at no cost." As one of the founders of a script store in Bengbu, Anhui Province, Yang Litian has a clear division of labor with his partners: as a gold medal DM "town store", he understands the distribution industry and is responsible for "brushing" exhibitions all over the country and buying scripts. In their view, constantly updating good scripts in the store can attract more young people. According to Wang Jingbo, the publisher of LARP script killing studio, the holding of script killing exhibition has improved young people's familiarity with the city and promoted the tourism and reputation of the city. Not only that, the general exhibitions will be selected in the surrounding places with rich catering and entertainment industry, which also drives the surrounding economy. However, from first tier cities to county-level cities, when script killing shops have sprung up, "good scripts are difficult to grab" is still a real dilemma that novice script shops have to face. The high production cost leads to "difficult delivery", with an average of 50 new wechat friends and 700 unread messages every day; Go to work at 12 noon and get off work at 4 am; In order to deal with customers in a timely manner, the mobile phone never leaves the body and replies to messages from the moment you open your eyes; In addition to the Chinese New Year holiday for one or two days, sometimes even all year round... This is the daily work of Ma Junji, the person in charge of Kunming table cube studio. In addition, Ma Junji's most important job is to supervise the production of scripts. "High-quality script" is the goal of many distribution studios, which is not only to obtain good market benefits, but also out of the construction and maintenance of their own brand trust, and out of the sense of responsibility of authors, players and the whole industry. "The role of producer is very important. A successful work needs to have the fundamental factors such as full characters, rich emotions and full stories. Producer is to assist the author to improve the work." Li Ying, 27, is the director of the old corn joint studio. She told reporters that the level of production supervision in each studio represents the "ceiling" of the studio. "Usually, we will test the script for one month and then deliver it to the author for modification. After modification, we will test it again until there is no bug, and then we can continue the next work." Li Ying said that it takes about 4-5 months from creation to successful delivery. "To produce a high-quality screenplay, our investment is between 200000-400000 yuan." Ma Junji said that from the perspective of operation process, production cost, printing cost, publicity and distribution cost, after-sales cost, travel cost and personnel cost... Each link is essential. The more mature the distribution system is, the higher the investment will be spent on intermediate links such as evaluation and art work. In order to ensure that the high-quality content of "exclusive book" and "City limited book" can be presented to the greatest extent, many distribution stores will give priority to their familiar partners, which also makes it difficult for new stores to get high-quality books. Li Ying admitted that there is no lack of worry about the cooperation between the distribution and new stores, because there is a mixture of good and bad people in the industry. The script in a city kills the store, opens upside down, and closes down before getting the book. "When authorizing a script, I need to comprehensively consider the integrity of the business, DM interpretation level, story volume and other comprehensive factors. I must be responsible for the script I publish, because each publisher hopes that the script I produce can be 'opened' to a good reputation." As a publisher, Li Ying always believes that only mature stores can achieve better results. "The success of a store is very complex. It can not be simply attributed to the distrust of the issuer, nor can it be simply attributed to the failure to grab the 'City limited capital'." Wang Yue believes that the fundamental reason for the limited service ability of the company's CEOs such as "Xiaoyue's online presence" and "Xiaoyue's online presence" is not the limited service ability of the company's CEOs. Every emerging field will have a dividend period in the early stage of development. When the hot profit period is over, how can practitioners survive better? Wang Huanyue suggested that those who could not get the "exclusive book" or "City limited book" should improve their business from their own point of view: objectively understand the actual situation of "being responsible for the content" of the content creative industry; Learn from high-quality old stores, investigate the actual situation, and solve problems from other dimensions. Young people participate in the game in a "script kill" game store in Chongwenmen, Beijing. "Low threshold" is a double-edged sword script to create another time and space, so that players can temporarily put aside their real troubles and start "second life". It is this charm that makes many young people devote themselves to the industry with a love. The low threshold and youth of the industry have become obvious characteristics. It is understood that as a representative Internet enterprise in the industry, the team members of "little black detective" are all post-90s. Wang Huanyue said that in physical stores, DM and NPC (non player roles - reporter's note) are concentrated in the post-95. Almost all the producers, publicists, artists and contracted authors at the distribution end are post-90s, including post-00s, "the objective existence of youth is a proof of the vigorous development of the industry and the contribution of the industry in the field of employment". "The essence of entity operation is profit. College students in the early stage of entrepreneurship should carefully consider before entering the industry. To open a script killing shop, they must be able to afford their own time and energy." Wang Huanyue suggested that from the perspective of entity operation, "low threshold" is a double-edged sword. Although it increases the difficulty of market competition faced by stores, low market access also enables the industry to flourish. Immerse in the script, the script, the script of joy, and grow from the script of horror to the script of wit. "This also benefits from the 'low threshold'." Ma Junji said. At the same time, as the script killer of players, he gets inspiration by participating in the game again and again. More and more people are willing to try writing and explore different types, and more types of scripts appear on the market. "If there is no low threshold, if opening a script killing shop is as difficult as opening an Internet cafe or KTV, we may not even get a license." He admitted that most of the practitioners are peers. They are in an atmosphere of peace, harmony and mutual understanding. The industry has a strong inclusiveness. "Everyone's role is not limited. The store can be a publisher and the publisher can be a writer... The low threshold enables more relevant workers, entity operators and literary and artistic workers to enter the script killing industry and drive the development of this niche industry in many ways". However, the low threshold for a long time will turn "tolerance" into "connivance". "Long term benefits are the most important thing. Once the low threshold causes the ecological deterioration of the industry, the survival time will not be too long." This is also what Li Ying of the old corn joint studio is worried about. From the upstream point of view, multi domain and multi age authors make the script quality uneven, some logic collapses, the plot is dog blood, and the script with vulgar, pornographic and violent elements flows to the market, which greatly reduces the quality of players' game experience. In the downstream, under the lower market access mechanism, the short service life of stores and disorderly competition have become significant problems. Some stores even deviated from the normal business model for the purpose of destroying their peers