戴树良,男,四川成都人,中国美术家协会会员、四川省美术家协会会员、四川省美协漫画研讨 会副会长、成都市美协漫艺委委员、美术师、高级职称。
绘画30多年(80年曾举办民间性质的油画、水粉画三人“绿色画展”),国画、速写、漫画等作品在全国30多家报刊杂志发表近千幅,参加展览的作品分别入选中国美协主办的《华通杯》(93年);九届全国美展和2000年大展和 其它国内外展出,多幅作品获奖。部分作品选送西德、东欧等国家展出。不少作品被国内外人士收藏。所写论文被收入全国论文集。80年代末90年代初起努力 于民俗画创作,出版出品有《代树良老成都民俗百图》、《老成都童谣画》、老成都民俗台历、挂历和蜀锦画、壁画等,连续十余年在《成都晚报》发表的老成都民俗画深受读者爱好 。著名诗人、学者流沙河为其写序称为“不仅是诗,还是史”。省、市电视台、报刊等媒体均作专题报道,九七年获省“5 1 ”文学艺术奖。
Dai Shuliang, male, sichuan Chengdu person, academician of Chinese artist academician, Sichuan province artist, Sichuan saves the United States assist caricature seminar vice-chairman, the Chengdu City is beautiful assist free art appoint division of committee member, art, advanced title.
Painterly 30 old (the canvas that ever held civilian property 80 years, gouache 3 people " green art exhibition " ) , the work such as traditional Chinese painting, literary sketch, caricature in the whole nation many 30 newspapers and periodicals publishs nearly 1000, the country is beautiful in attending the work of the exhibition to part to choose assist those who sponsor " China connect cup " (93 years of) ; Beauty of 9 whole nations is exhibited and exhibited greatly 2000 and other exhibits domestic and internationally, many work bear the palm. Partial work is chosen send the country such as Germany, hamster to exhibit. Many work are collected by domestic and international personage. What write a paper to be talked by income whole nation collected works. 80 time end rises at the beginning of 90 time devote oneself to folk-custom to draw creation, publish manufacture have " folk-custom of Dai Shuliang old Chengdu 100 graphs " , " old Chengdu children's folk is drawn " , He Shujin of desk calendar of old Chengdu folk-custom, calendar picture, mural, be in more than 10 years continuously " Chengdu evening paper " picture of published old Chengdu folk-custom loves by the reader. Well-known poet, scholar quicksand the river writes foreword to call for its " it is a poem not only, or history " . The media such as TV station of province, city, the press all makes special subject report, capture a province 97 years " 51 " literary art award.